Notes tagged with "meditation": Nonlinear Function

33 notes tagged with "meditation"

AI that can meditate

An AI that thought 'like a human' would be able to engage in [ meditation ]. What does this imply? What capabilities are missing from…

Tagged with: #meditation

Pointing Out the Great Way Level 1 retreat notes

This page contains my notes from the Pointing Out the Great Way Level 1 [ mahamudra ] [ meditation ] [ retreats|retreat ] course I took…

Tagged with: #meditation


One of the best ideas in machine learning. (I even thought so in 2011!) There are two common mechanisms: 'soft' and 'hard'. In both cases…

Tagged with: #machine-learning#ai#meditation#psychology#neuroscience

awakened awareness

[ Dan Brown ] uses this term a lot. Loosely, I think it means [ awareness ] that is aware of itself, without [ fabrication ]. Like…

Tagged with: #meditation


Here's a perspective I like on spiritual awakening, elaborating on a metaphor used by NameRedacted. Suppose you awaken from a dream: a…

Tagged with: #meditation#buddhism


As investigated in [ nondual ] or [ mahamudra ] meditation practice, awareness is both the 'field' in which all of experience occurs, and…

Tagged with: #meditation


Concentration is something of a misnomer for the meditative practice and states of samādhi . The word "concentration" carries connotations…

Tagged with: #meditation


Philosophical views on consciousness: Buddhist and meditative traditions focus on [ awareness ]. They claim that consciousness has nothing…

Tagged with: #meditation#ai

deconstructing sensory experience

A simple lens on meditative insight progress, from Michael Taft : Start with some sensory object - the sight of a tree, or the felt…

Tagged with: #meditation

default mode network

A set of connected brain regions that are active when you're 'at rest', not focused on the external world. This includes mental states such…

Tagged with: #meditation#drugs#neuroscience

ego death

Tagged with: #drugs#meditation


I think [ Dan Brown ] said somewhere that a good synonym for 'empty' in meditative contexts is 'mere construction'. For example, practicing…

Tagged with: #meditation#buddhism


See [ emptiness ].

Tagged with: #meditation#buddhism

every method is a trap

"In other words, there's a method of pursuing or following a devotion to the Guru, but ultimately every method is a trap, and you've got to…

Tagged with: #meditation

five hindrances

Buddists identify five factors as obstacles to [ concentration ] in [ meditation ]: Sensory desire ( kāmacchanda ) Aversion or ill will (…

Tagged with: #meditation#buddhism

frustrations with meditation advice

Tagged with: #meditation

hating god

On Michael Taft's podcast, A. H. Almaas pointed out that an obstacle for most people realizing a sense of divine, nondual love, is some…

Tagged with: #meditation

hold the view

[ Dan Brown ] likes to say that 'the view is the meditation'. That is, meditation isn't

Tagged with: #meditation

infinite doorways

Around 15min into , [ Ram Dass ] claims there are 'infinite doorways'. You start on the…

Tagged with: #meditation

intelligence is not consciousness

A lot of discussion around [ artificial intelligence ] implicitly conflates intelligence with [ consciousness ]. It assumes that as we…

Tagged with: #ai#morality#how-to-think#meditation

limiting belief

Tagged with: #meditation#psychology


Mahamudra means the 'great seal' or 'great gesture'. We take and [ hold the view ] that each event arising in [ awareness ] --- every sight…

Tagged with: #meditation

meditation following log

Dec 13, 2023 Sangha session with Dustin: Something I realized during a concentration practice is that being honest about how ‘well’ the…

Tagged with: #meditation


The core insight that got me interested: "moments of recognizing your thoughts drifting and bringing them back to your breath" are not…

Tagged with: #meditation#psychology

mindfulness requires certainty

A lesson from NameRedacted: unresolved questions are the worst thing in meditation. For example, you're just sitting down to practice when…

Tagged with: #meditation


No-self is one of the [ three characteristics ] that traditional Buddhism holds are present in all phenomena. In later Buddhism, the…

Tagged with: #buddhism#meditation#drugs

nothing to do

There's a spiritual idea, in Buddhism and elsewhere, that there is "nothing to do": everything is already suffused with "primordial…

Tagged with: #buddhism#meditation

pointing out

The paradoxical thing about pointing-out style meditation teaching is that you can't really explain the instructions when they're unclear…

Tagged with: #meditation

the buddha solved his problem, now solve yours

NameRedacted often mentions this as a thing Sharon Salzberg would say. What does it mean? I don't know - I should ask Tucker to clarify…

Tagged with: #meditation

the mind contains the world

A point made by NameRedacted in various talks, e.g. The World is Inside You (also the '[ emptiness ] of perception' described by [ Dan…

Tagged with: #meditation#buddhism

the self is a construct

It exists, but is [ empty ], insubstantial, a [ fabrication ]. Foregrounding this view is an important part of [ awakening ] or…

Tagged with: #meditation#buddhism

tissue paper thin

This is personal mental image for [ emptiness ] that has been really resonant for me, arising from an experience taking [ MDMA ] with a…

Tagged with: #meditation

winning the game

As a kid, we learned about : if you think of the game, you lose. (and have to say "I…

Tagged with: #meditation

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