Created: October 03, 2021
Modified: October 03, 2021
Modified: October 03, 2021
every method is a trap
This page is from my personal notes, and has not been specifically reviewed for public consumption. It might be incomplete, wrong, outdated, or stupid. Caveat lector."In other words, there's a method of pursuing or following a devotion to the Guru, but ultimately every method is a trap, and you've got to consume the method, go beyond the method."
(Ram Dass, 14 minutes into I take this to mean some combination of:
- the game is different at different levels. eventually you hit a new level where a new strategy is needed.
- maybe there is no ordered set of levels, but each method moves you along a different basis vector, so you need a combination of methods to get to any particular point.
- just a general statement that we have to be flexible, that we should make sure our methods serve us, rather than being a servant to a particular method