Notes tagged with "morality": Nonlinear Function

27 notes tagged with "morality"

AI safety

AI safety, as a term, is sterile and hard to get excited about. Preventing catastrophe is important, but doesn't motivate me, since [ the…

Tagged with: #ai#morality#alignment

being good is a privilege

Imagine a really good person: someone whom everyone likes, is warm and friendly towards everyone they meet, gives freely of themselves, has…

Tagged with: #morality


Tagged with: #morality

fully automated luxury gay space communism

[ my goals ]

Tagged with: #finance#lgbt#morality

goals are arbitrary

If you fail to achieve your goals, you'll be sad---almost self-evidently. Nonetheless: there is no coherent notion of the 'right' goals to…

Tagged with: #morality#life-advice


A New Yorker article on [ happiness ]: discusses happiness as a source…

Tagged with: #morality

immortality is bad

The Eliezer Yudkowsky school of thought is that immortality is possible, and obviously desirable; any other position is [ learned…

Tagged with: #morality

intelligence is not consciousness

A lot of discussion around [ artificial intelligence ] implicitly conflates intelligence with [ consciousness ]. It assumes that as we…

Tagged with: #ai#morality#how-to-think#meditation

intelligence is not moral worth

Inspired by this tweet: Ways we currently equate intelligence with moral worth: animal…

Tagged with: #morality

loose veganism

How do I justify being only 'mostly' [ vegetarian ]? I know that cows and chickens are abused to produce milk and eggs. Why is avoiding…

Tagged with: #morality


Like democracy , meritocracy is the worst form of social organization, except for all the others that have been tried. Of course it is good…

Tagged with: #morality#how-to-think

negative utility

My position (a [ strong opinion weakly held ]) is that global utility is currently negative, and probably always has been. It's conceivable…

Tagged with: #morality

nothing matters

Because: [ goals are arbitrary ]: achieving a goal, or failing to, doesn't really matter because the goal was arbitrary anyway. From the…

Tagged with: #morality

rationality is moral

From a [ utilitarian ] perspective, all of morality follows from improving global utility, and it follows that it'd be better to do this…

Tagged with: #morality

selflessness is rational

I need to genuinely care about other people and want the best for them, both in general, and for specific people in my life. Why? Obviously…

Tagged with: #fundamental#life-advice#morality

selfishness is moral

Sometimes it's necessary and right to prioritize my own interests, even if [ global utility ] is ultimately the only metric. Developing…

Tagged with: #life-advice#morality


Pasting a quote from Adam Smith by way of HN (source , I should read the whole thing…) that…

Tagged with: #morality


Tagged with: #mental-health#morality#buddhism

television is useless

Epistemic status: either this is true or TV is maybe one of the greatest contributions to human utility ever. Unclear. The average American…

Tagged with: #morality

the balanced-utility trap

Status: in conflict with [ negative utility ] ? See also: the [ hedonic treadmill ]. Evolutionary, 'pain' exists to motivate you to get out…

Tagged with: #morality

the purpose of life

The Feynmannian/Sagan/Tyson "scientific" view is that the [ purpose ] of life is understanding : the world is a giant mystery, with layers…

Tagged with: #morality#how-to-think

to those whom much is given, much is expected

I feel an obligation to try to do big things with my life, because I've had access to rare opportunities. If ten thousand randomly selected…

Tagged with: #personal#morality

tractable approximations to utilitarianism

There are three main approaches to moral philosophy: [ utilitarian ]ism: you should feed a starving person because it will increase 'global…

Tagged with: #morality

transactions are positive-sum

If you and I agree of our own volition to exchange X for Y, this implies that we both believe we are gaining value in the trade. If one of…

Tagged with: #morality#finance

unconditional love

nostalgebraist argues that unconditional love can't and shouldn't exist : A parent might love their child "unconditionally," in the well…

Tagged with: #relationships#morality


Tagged with: #morality


Inspired by NameRedacted, I'm considering going 'mostly' vegetarian. What would that mean for me? I don't myself buy meats or dairy products…

Tagged with: #personal#morality

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