Relationships and community and mental health are not automatically maintained, and maintaining them doesn't come for free. Comforting…
[ my goals ]
Why would you be 'proud' of something you had no control over? The core revelation for me was that pride is the opposite of shame . Most…
I have some discomfort with the political concept of 'privilege', e.g.: Being white is a privilege. Being male is a privilege. Being…
About 5% of people are gay, so in any given community it's about twenty times harder for a gay person to find a partner than for a straight…
In Korea (and maybe also Japan?) it's common for young guys to bond through physical touch and affection: hugging, holding hands, sitting in…
See also: [ the system is bad ] I find it hard to be okay with a 'normal' life, because that would imply some level of acceptance of the…
Confidence is a positive [ feedback loop ]. You need a certain amount of confidence to try something hard. Success breeds more confidence…
status: a theory that feels true for my personal trajectory. Totally uncritiqued and unverified that anyone else shares this experience…