Created: July 13, 2020
Modified: July 25, 2020
Modified: July 25, 2020
this is all there is
This page is from my personal notes, and has not been specifically reviewed for public consumption. It might be incomplete, wrong, outdated, or stupid. Caveat lector.This is one of those things that sounds cliche but is still profound and #fundamental: this is all. There's no great reward in the future. There's no moment of glory that life is building towards not going to achieve my dreams. There'll be no point where I notice that I've achieved my dreams; no one will tell me. It's my job to notice that for myself. And it's my job to help other people achieve theirs.
We have to enjoy every moment. (see also developing taste). It's not as though there will be a crowning moment on the top. We have to take those moments for ourselves throughout our lives. And we have to let that sense of satisfaction, live with us in every moment.