Created: August 21, 2020
Modified: August 21, 2020
Modified: August 21, 2020
find time to play
This page is from my personal notes, and has not been specifically reviewed for public consumption. It might be incomplete, wrong, outdated, or stupid. Caveat lector.From a Jean Yang tweet:
I once attended a talk by the late Nobel Laureate Oliver Smithies where he talked about going into lab on weekends to "play." That's how he ended up discovering recombinant DNA.
Something that often gets left out of work/life balance conversations is how to leave room for play. It's too bad that we've gotten polarized into two camps: the cult of productivity and the religion of work/life balance.
Giving yourself room to play means rejecting both. You need time when you aren't pushing towards a goal—and this time can't already be set aside for "life."