Created: February 23, 2020
Modified: August 14, 2021
Modified: August 14, 2021
essays to reread
This page is from my personal notes, and has not been specifically reviewed for public consumption. It might be incomplete, wrong, outdated, or stupid. Caveat lector.- Innerring (C. S. Lewis).
- In any institution there are unofficial circles of influence: people who are 'on the inside' and people who are not. It's tempting to want to get to the inside. But that doesn't bring happiness. It might make you a scoundrel---you will bit by bit lose your original self as you do what's needed to 'belong' to the inner ring. More likely, you will find that the urge to be on the inside can never be sated; there is always something more to be inside of. Rather, do what feels right to you; be yourself (even though being yourself takes practice), and draw your friends close---you will eventually find that you have built a warm cocoon around yourself that actually feels good to be inside of.
- I feel this in my life mostly with respect to academia. I thought that being a successful researcher was about being smart and having insight into the world. It is, but I've learned it's also necessary to be part of an academic community. You have to be on the inside of something, even if it's a subcommunity.
- Paul Graham classics:
- How to do what you love.
- Avoid prestige.
- Don't feel like you have to know early on. We have very little information. Try different things. Don't trap yourself into a life chosen by a high schooler.
- always produce. That keeps you honest.
Famous Speeches: A List of the Greatest Speeches of All-Time (