AI predictions: Nonlinear Function
Created: April 07, 2022
Modified: April 07, 2022

AI predictions

This page is from my personal notes, and has not been specifically reviewed for public consumption. It might be incomplete, wrong, outdated, or stupid. Caveat lector.

In the spirit of prediction as a model-building exercise.

Language modeling:

  • system writes publishable poetry: debatably already happened
  • system writes a publishable short story / novel: these largely depend on handling long-term context well, and maybe some kind of coarse-to-fine generation (like MuZero but with hierarchical plannig?). Probably doable with next-generation language models and a motivated team of experts, so also probably ~2025?


  • a system convincingly and reproducibly passes a Turing test: would not surprise me if this happens before 2025.

Deep generative models (image, video, speech):

  • what interesting tasks are even still open? tons of commercial potential and room for optimization of existing techniques, but we can already do amazing stuff.
  • we'll have video equivalents of DALL-E (text-guided video generation) as soon as the compute gets there
  • system writes and generates a hit pop song: probably a combo of language-modeling techniques (we can already do poetry, which is the rough equivalent) and audio models which are already pretty good

AI for math:

  • AI resolves an open research question, as a formally verified proof
  • AI writes a novel, publishable math paper


  • Manufacturing
  • Household
  • Self-driving cars


  • Drug discovery


