things I believe that no one else believes: Nonlinear Function
Created: March 08, 2020
Modified: January 13, 2023

things I believe that no one else believes

This page is from my personal notes, and has not been specifically reviewed for public consumption. It might be incomplete, wrong, outdated, or stupid. Caveat lector.
  • AI is going to work.
    • Obviously lots of people believe this. But most 'AI' companies and 'AI' investors are hyping applications of current tech, not betting on future tech. Even very smart researchers at universities and in industry don't really believe that AI will work, or at least they won't talk about it without enormous hedging.
    • Who does believe this? I think the OpenAI crew does. PhdAdvisor does. Elon Musk does. The Vicarious folks do, though I'm now less bullish on their prospects.

intelligence is not consciousness

  • enlightenment (in the classical Buddhist sense) is real, profound, feasible to attain, and amenable to scientific study and optimization