Created: August 15, 2020
Modified: August 15, 2020
Modified: August 15, 2020
the mistake is upstream
This page is from my personal notes, and has not been specifically reviewed for public consumption. It might be incomplete, wrong, outdated, or stupid. Caveat lector.- Comparing myself to SuccessfulFriend, I might be tempered to think that because he is interested in antitrust law, zoning reform, political theory, accounting, finance, etc., that I need to be into those things. To the extent that he's succeeded and I've failed, it's because he was into the right things and I was into the wrong things.
- On the one hand this could very well have some truth to it. Not all interests are equally likely to lead to success.
- But one has to be way of cargo-culting. Maybe SuccessfulFriend's interests are just samples from some distribution of outcomes based on the intersection of some higher-level motivating principle