speech becomes less free: Nonlinear Function
Created: February 23, 2020
Modified: February 23, 2020

speech becomes less free

This page is from my personal notes, and has not been specifically reviewed for public consumption. It might be incomplete, wrong, outdated, or stupid. Caveat lector.
  • I used to be able to say 'superintelligent AI is possible'. Now in industry the notion of 'possible' is 'something I can myself do': by claiming that something is possible you are offering yourself up as an agent to bring it about. This restricts speech and thought a lot. Your sense of the possible narrows.
  • When you're young, you can repeat things you hear. When you're old, it's expected that what you say comes from your life experience. The set of experiences you have will constrain the things you can say, even if you still believe at some level the things you heard when young. People will ask for evidence to back up your claims, with personal experience, and if you can't, you're not really (in some sense) giving 'authentic' opinions.