reasons to write: Nonlinear Function
Created: May 16, 2022
Modified: May 16, 2022

reasons to write

This page is from my personal notes, and has not been specifically reviewed for public consumption. It might be incomplete, wrong, outdated, or stupid. Caveat lector.

Why do I want to write more? Because:

  • writing forces thoughts to crystallize. It forces me to draw conclusions about what I believe and who I am.
  • writing subjects my thoughts to greater scrutiny. It highlights contradictions and fallacies, and helps me see connections.
  • writing allows me to think beyond the current moment. I can set a prompt: what are my goals? how can I achieve them? what do I think about X?
  • the set of things any given person is thinking at any moment is very limited, even relative to the set of things we believe or would like to be thinking about. Expressing my thoughts to other people can enrich their lives, even if my thoughts aren't that profound, even if it's just by reminding them of things they already know but haven't thought about in a while.