Created: January 20, 2021
Modified: January 25, 2022
Modified: January 25, 2022
most people don't care
This page is from my personal notes, and has not been specifically reviewed for public consumption. It might be incomplete, wrong, outdated, or stupid. Caveat lector.This is one of the big problems with the world. Not the only one, and not the only way to look at it. But it's everywhere.
- status: a thought I've had for a long time. I don't think the articulation here is very good so far.
- Fundamentally, most people don't care about doing their jobs well. They are not working in pursuit of a goal---most grocery cashiers don't view themselves as helping to feed the world or to bring a smile to someone's day. In their own minds, they're working to get paid. In the company's mind, they're working to fulfill a small subgoal of the ultimate goal of profit.
- I don't care all that much about doing my job at Google well. Or more precisely: I don't care enough about goals beyond my job at Google in order to motivate work at my job. I care about doing 'the job' well however it's defined, because I like to think of myself as smart and capable. But when someone like Luca points out that we're not building very good software, or very well documented software, I don't really care any more.
- Related topics: instrumental goal, the system wants you to have ownership