Created: January 17, 2021
Modified: January 17, 2021
Modified: January 17, 2021
This page is from my personal notes, and has not been specifically reviewed for public consumption. It might be incomplete, wrong, outdated, or stupid. Caveat lector.- I have a private theory about what marijuana does. I'll try to articulate it here. I don't know much about the public theories, so maybe this is subsumed in some of them, but here goes.
- Back in early grad school, it felt like marijuana disconnected my thoughts from language.
- Let's suppose that concepts exist in some high-dimensional vector space, and that words and phrases occupy particular points in that space. Ordinarily our thoughts are connected to language; most of our life is under articulation regularization.
- Marijuana allows us to drift more freely through this space; it lowers potential barriers to create a smoother distribution of places our thoughts may end up.
- This leads to creativity and insight. It also, probably far more often, leads to bullshit.
- Either way, any thoughts we end up with this way are going to be difficult to express, precisely because they exist in points of conceptual space for which there aren't words. So they'll seem like bullshit whether or not they are.