interface: Nonlinear Function
Created: May 16, 2022
Modified: May 16, 2022


This page is from my personal notes, and has not been specifically reviewed for public consumption. It might be incomplete, wrong, outdated, or stupid. Caveat lector.

Interfaces enable modularity. In general, standardizing an interface can yield quadratic benefit at linear cost.

Suppose we have MM people and NN cars, but that every car had its own unique control scheme. Then for every person to learn to drive every car would require separate training for each person-car pair, or O(MN)O(MN) total effort. Adopting a common interface brings the work down to O(M+N)O(M + N), since each car and each person just have to adapt themselves to that interface.

In deep learning, shared representations can function as a common interface for models.