Created: February 01, 2022
Modified: February 07, 2022
Modified: February 07, 2022
fashion is like sex
This page is from my personal notes, and has not been specifically reviewed for public consumption. It might be incomplete, wrong, outdated, or stupid. Caveat lector.I've thought before that fashion is bad because it's about arbitrary trends. But you can also see fashion as good because it's about others.
- I was looking through reddit mfa and seeing pictures of baggy hoodies, and thought, those don't like something I would wear right now. but there's no reason they're objectively wrong, and maybe 20 years from now I would associate that style with some other set of thoughts or personality traits or style.
- So there is this ever-evolving game of people wearing things to look good and then people judging which of those things they like and then wearing them and then more people looking at those things and updating and iterating. And in some ways that game is like sex. It has no actual purpose (obviously sex has procreation but I mean this in a recreational sense here), it's a waste of time from all objective standpoints, but it feels good because it's about connecting with another person(s) through an iterative exchange of information.
- I've written before about how fashion is like a code. Bits can be transmitted. But it's not necessarily a one-time message thing, it's a conversation. An interaction. And the point of it is to just have fun by enjoying the exchange, by treating it as a playful thing, where you treat the other party as an entity worth modeling, worth trying to predict their actions and responding to them in ways that correctly anticipate their own pleasure.
- So in that sense it's like sex. But not with a single person, it's group sex. It's sex with everyone around you but also with the meta-person formed by aggregating everyone's individual preferences. It's sex with 'humanity' or at least 'all of locally reachable society' rather than with any single person.
- Obviously this is an abstract analogy because it has none of the direct biological/harmonal/orgasmic mechanisms of sex. But still.