Created: March 07, 2020
Modified: March 07, 2020
Modified: March 07, 2020
differentiable program
This page is from my personal notes, and has not been specifically reviewed for public consumption. It might be incomplete, wrong, outdated, or stupid. Caveat lector.- Fast differentiable sorting and ranking:
- What are differentiable analogues of 'standard' programming constructs?
- Circuits:
- true/false <-> 1/0
- and / or <-> * / +
- not <-> (1 - x)
- Recursion? (/Iteration?)
- Pointers:
- pointer networks:
- Circuits:
- Some of 'differentiable programming' (just like standard PL) takes place at a higher level than 'base' circuits or turing/von neumann machine semantics. Just as 'Cholesky decomposition' is an abstraction that has a derivative defined, even when differentiating through the algorithm that computes it might not be helpful, it's interesting to think about the derivative of, e.g., a sort, without reference to the algorithm that computes it.